Mrs. Annette Jenkins

Welcome to Mrs. Jenkins' First Grade Class


This web page will be used to keep you informed on current classroom events and any updates that may occur at HES.

Parents and families can support students’ thinking and learning during extended school closures. 

■ Collaborate with your child to organize the day to include time for learning, activities and exercise. 

■ Read to and with your child and have conversations about what you have read together. 

■ Take a walk and ask about what your child is seeing and about being a good citizen. 

■ Encourage critical thinking through cooking together or planting a garden. 

Encourage conversations about mathematics in your child’s day. 

■ Explore your child’s creativity by creating art, music, or dance. 

■ Write a letter to a family member or friend or community hero. 

■ Be mindful of screen time and have alternatives for children to play outside. 

■ Listen to your child about his or her feelings and fears and offer comfort, honesty, and reassurance 

■ Start a project together. Share it to Dojo! 

■ Start a journal about the things you are doing and learning. Number and date your pages. Sign your name at the end of your entries. 

Nature walks and scavenger hunts. 

■ In-house scavenger hunts 

■ Play card games that encourage adding or comparing numbers. 

■ Find letters/words on items in your home. 

■ Alphabetize your canned goods. 

■ Make a calendar and put down one fun thing you did on each day. 

■ Your child can read a book to a stuffed animal or younger sibling.

■ Practice writing your abcs or sight words. 

■ Practice with magnetic letters learning your alphabet and making words/sentences. 

■ Write your own story! Read it to your family. 

■ Count how many items are in your house until you get to 100! 

■ Family Cooking! Help read the recipe and measure the ingredients. Set a timer when cooking for child to understand time. 

■ Do a good deed for someone in your family or write a thank you note for someone.

■ Go on an imaginary trip and talk about the things you think you would see and do.

■ Science experiments using objects in your house with an adult. ■ Post to your Dojo portfolio what you have been doing! More ideas of activities that do not require internet access: