Learning Objectives and Pacing Guides
To Access the VDOE Standards of Learning Click the Link Below
K-12 Standards & Instruction
To Access Information for Each Core Subject Click the Link Below
Literacy and English Language Arts
Social Studies
Curriculum Material Purchased by BCPS for Elementary
Benchmark Advance
Envision Math
Five Ponds Press
Programs Purchased by BCPS for Elementary Students
BrainPop or BrainPop Jr- K-5
Discovery Education K-5
Haggerty- Pre-K – 2
IXL -Math – K-5
WelNet- for PE- 4-5
Canvas Information
Canvas is the learning management system our county is using to provide information and deliver assignments. You received information earlier this year with directions on how to sign up as a parent observer. It is also important for you to know how to help your child log in to access learning materials.
Your child can access their class Canvas page in the following way:
Go to: clever.com/in/bedfordco
Log in with their Bedford Google account information